- Show up to work every day dressed in a full medieval knight’s armor. It’ll show your dedication and attention to detail!
- Whenever someone asks you to do something, respond with a random quote from a movie or TV show. It’ll show your quick wit and pop culture knowledge!
- Set up a lemonade stand in the office and start selling drinks to your coworkers. It’ll show your entrepreneurial spirit and business savvy!
- Whenever you’re asked to give a presentation, do it entirely in interpretive dance. It’ll show your creativity and ability to think outside the box!
- Start bringing your pet ferret to work and introducing him as your “assistant.” It’ll show your teamwork and leadership skills!
- Whenever you have a meeting with your boss, bring a boom box and play your own personal theme music. It’ll show your confidence and ambition!
- Set up a secret code with your coworkers and only communicate in code during meetings. It’ll show your adaptability and problem-solving skills!
- Whenever someone asks you a question, respond with a fortune cookie fortune. It’ll show your wisdom and insight!
- Start bringing a giant inflatable beach ball to work and bounce it off the walls whenever you’re feeling stressed. It’ll show your stress-management skills!
- Whenever you’re asked to do something you don’t want to do, start crying and telling everyone about your terrible childhood. It’ll show your emotional intelligence and vulnerability!
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