Don Tapscott’s latest book, entitled BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTION: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin is Changing Money, Business, and the World is co-authored by his son Alex Tapscott.
This will be the first book to explain why blockchain technology – a truly open, distributed, global platform – will fundamentally change what we can achieve online, how we do it, and who can participate.
In addition to the Blockchain Revolution, Don is also an author of the following popular and influential books:
- The Digital Economy
- Radical Openness
- Macrowikinomics
- groupwup digital
- Wikinomics
- The Naked Corporation
- Digital Capital
- growing up digital
- Creating Value in the Network Economy
- Blueprint for the Digital Economy
- The Digital Economy
- Who Knows
- Paradigm Shift
- Planning for Integrated Office Systems
- Office Automation
See Don’s 16 Books here:
– http://dontapscott.com/books/
By Peter Lee, Esq., BIG Founder
Note: Don Tapscott is a Blockchain Industry Group (BIG) Honorary Chairman and his Blockchain Research Institute is one of our valued Partners.
– https://blockchainindustrygroup.org/members/don-tapscott/
– https://blockchainindustrygroup.org/members/blockchain-research-institute/
Photo credit: DonTapscott.com