CoinFest UK – CoinFest started in 2013 as a relatively small gathering of 100 or so Bitcoiners, celebrating the adoption of Bitcoin at a Waves Coffee House in Vancouver.
By 2014, CoinFest was growing in popularity, and that year it took a new direction: CoinFest spread across Canada and now internationally, exemplifying the border-defying and decentralized nature of crypto.
Vancouver lead the way again by booking multiple venues simultaneously for a less centrally organized variety of exhibits, as Satoshi would have wanted. In 2015, CoinFest spread worldwide.
In 2016 CryptoBatesGroup brought CoinFest to the UK for the first time. Hosted and organised by Adam Rizvi and held in Manchester, the event attracted more than 200 people, hosted speakers from around the world, provided free (bitcoin bought) Pizza and Dimsum and hosted free bitcoin education sessions.
The CoinFestUK 2017 event was hosted on April 7th & 8th 2017 at the Manchester Conference Centre. The event was a great success and was very well received. We hosted 5 workshops, 19 speakers and 11 exhibitions and had visitors from around the world.
The CoinFestUK 2018 event was hosted on April 5th & 6th & 7th 2018 at the Manchester Conference Centre. The event was well received attracting over 400 visitors, we hosted 6 (Free) workshops, 15 speakers and 14 exhibitions aswell as crypto themed games and free food!
Planning for CoinFestUK 2019 is underway, keep an eye out for updates! Current sponsors of CoinFestUK 2019 include our headline sponsors : (MUE) and our bronze level sponsors: BittyBot
Meetup: CoinFest UK