BIG Advisors*
BIG Advisors are globally recognized blockchain experts, leaders and influencers. They advise Management on high level strategic, organizational, membership and blockchain industry related matters.
Non-Profits and Blockchain Associations advise Management on non-profit and blockchain organization related matters and organization best practices. We work together, collaborate and cross-promote each others’ organizations, membership drives, activities, events, education, news and more.
BIG Ambassadors*
BIG Ambassadors are nationally recognized blockchain experts, leaders and influencers. They advise Management on blockchain industry related matters within and outside their country of primary expertise. (Note: aka BIG Country Ambassadors)’
BIG Partners**
BIG Partners are prominent and leading companies that share a common desire to promote and advance the blockchain industry. They also provide advice to Management on their areas of blockchain expertise.
BIG Friends*
Blockchain related external groups (Friends) supported by BIG but that already exist and that aim to or are already fulfilling an important blockchain related mission.
* Chosen by BIG Management. Requests for consideration accepted. (‘BIG Friends’ can be Non-Members.)
** Selected by Corporate Members when joining
Note: The above Advisor, Ambassador and other relationships above are unpaid and voluntary.